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Gotthardstrasse 32, 8800 Thalwil, Schweiz

The Sacred New Moon Cacao Ceremony is a safe space to explore new ideas, dreams and creations. The medicine of Cacao makes space in our hearts to discover the part of ourselves we did not know existed and bring forth our vision for a new reality. When we trust the journey, we are always guided to a place of greater freedom. We hope you join us on this journey...
What to expect:

Intention setting
Sacred Cacao Ceremony & meditation
Sound journey
Connection & sharing

What to bring:

Yoga mat
Cushion and blanket for laying down
Journal and pen for writing
Water bottle
Dress comfortably

What is Cacao?

Cacao is the sacred medicine of the ancient Mayans and has been used in ceremony for thousands of years. Its name ‘Theobroma Cacao’ literally translates to Food of the Gods because of its euphoric effect on the body, mind and spirit.
Theobroma  Cacao has long been recognised as a spirit bridge to other realms. Its  traditional use is to facilitate reflective, meditative and celebratory  experiences which open the heart and connect us to spirit.
Today  we know that Cacao also has incredible benefits for our health. It is a  rich source of antioxidants, iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc making  it one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet.
Cacao  contains theobromine which provides a gentle stimulating effect by  opening our blood vessels and increasing oxygen flow to our cells.  Unlike most stimulants, theobromine is non-addictive and doesn’t  interact with the central nervous system. Instead it produces a feeling  of contented wellbeing, enhancing memory, cognitive function and  creativity.
Theobromine relaxes our muscles and increases  the brain’s uptake of feel-good chemicals, including oxytocin, serotonin  and anandamide (literally, the bliss molecule!)
The  euphoric effects of Cacao elevate our mood, alleviating feelings of  depression, anxiety and separation. It helps us reconnect to our body,  which in itself is a transformational journey.
Cacao  provides a wonderful feeling of euphoria, allowing us to experience a  subtle state of transcendence. It shows us that the highest frequency of  love is created within our heart space, facilitating a deeper  connection to our inner self, with each other and Mother Earth.

We look forward to journeying with you.
Much love,
Ananda Tribe
** Please remember **
Please leave the place better than you found it, leave feeling better than when you came in. This is a small and intimate event.
*We acknowledge the Spirits of the land on which we  work, rest and play, and pay our respect to the Elders past, present  & emerging. We specifically acknowledge the Ashaninka from where our  Cacao comes from and all Indigenous Peoples around the world*