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Viaduktstrasse, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz
"The Climate Fresk is an innovative, effective and accessible tool for understanding the scientific basis of climate change. Disseminating this knowledge widely is essential for everyone to be able to take action in the face of this emergency.” ~ Valérie Masson-Delmotte, co-Chair of the IPCC The workshop takes place in groups around a table. Depending on attendance and preferred language, there may be one or two tables in German. There will be one table in English and the common parts will be done in English. *** DEUTSCH *** Klimabildung trifft Teambuilding: Das Klima Puzzle ist ein wissenschaftsbasierter, interaktiver, kollaborativer Workshop, der Klimabewusstsein schafft. (IPCC basiert) Der Workshop regt nachhaltig zur Selbstreflexion und Verhaltensänderung an und inspiriert viele Teilnehmer*innen dazu, selbst Workshopleiter*innen zu werden. So entstand eine weltweite Community an Klima Puzzler*innen: es  ist  der  Impuls  für  eine  Transition und Stimulator neuer  Narrative #climateaction! >> Teaser << DREI PHASEN PHASE 1 – 90’ – NACHDENKEN: in 5 Spielrunden untersucht das Team die 42 Spielkarten auf ihre Ursache- Wirkungs-Beziehung und co-konstruiert so das Puzzle! PHASE 2 – 30' – KREATIVITÄT: buntes Gestalten des fertigen Puzzles, um das Gelernte zu verdauen und sich anzueignen PHASE 3 – 60’ – DEBRIEFING: Gedanken, Motivationen und Ängste teilen, über nächste Schritte nachdenken Über 500.344 Menschen haben schon gepuzzelt! Und du? *** ENGLISH ***   The Climate Fresk is an interactive workshop format  highlighting and explaining Causes and Consequences of climate change', based on collective intelligence and creativity, whose content is based on IPCC reports. The content is suitable for novices as well as for starters. More than 200 000 people in France and worldwide experienced it, during public sessions but also and mainly in universities and schools, in associations, in companies and for elected representatives.  THREE PHASES: - 90 'step-by-step: Build up of the Climate Fresk in a team (4-8 participants) - 30 'creative phase: Summarize what you have learned & build ownership of your fresk - 60 'Debrief: See where we stand & share feelings, thoughts, ideas and actions to invent a better future ! >> Teaser << Please note: you will receive all necessary information about location via mail after registration. As the amount of participants is limited per workshop, please inform us in case you cannot make it so we can leave your seat for another person. Thank you! Originalquelle