Mastermind Series - weekly LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Workshop


Bahnhofstrasse 9, 8001 Zürich, Schweiz

Are you a company of one, a founder, a freelancer, a business owner, an entrepreneur, a business person in a leadership position, a start-up and want to “think again“ as Adam Grant suggest in his latest book, but this time about your business strategy.  I have the perfect workshop for you:  - where you will try something new and intentional about and for your business. - where the 3 H model (Head, Hand and Heart) is promoted, and collective rethinking (a chapter from the above mentioned book) and peer-learning are revisited - where you learn about what you dont know and activate a different algorithm in your brain - where it is about mutual respect and wisdom sharing. We are all in together.   a Series of 3 mastermind workshops combining the Lego serious Play method, connecting and co-creating with others.  And, yes expect to use Lego bricks, but not only 😉, yes it will be intimate as there will be only 6 of you and no you dont need your computer.  #strategy #learning #rewireyourbrain #growth #legoseriousplay#playmatters #discovery #becurious #strategicthinking #zurichswitzerland#zurichschweiz #hardfun #rewirebusiness #playaholic #sharing